You helped us get Harvey Milk a stamp in 2014 (the late Ray Pawlak was instrumental here in Buffalo)
NOW…the International Court System and the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force are working hard to get World War II Vet, First Openly Gay person to run for public office in 1961, and Founder of the International Court System Jose Sarria, along with activists and prominent Stonewall Uprising figures Marsha P Johnson and Sylvia Rivera their own stamps.
“I have said for over half a century: a community and civil rights movement that does not know where it came from and whose shoulders it stands on does not know where it’s going,” Nicole Murray Ramirez
Help us get these well deserved nominees stamps by writing a letter of support to the Citizen’s Stamp Advisory Committee! More Information and a template can be found at:
Contact Empress CoCo LaTique (Michael Wah) for more information.